Monday 20 October 2014

The New Forest Sportive

We are a bit new to this, but with an equal mix of trepidation and excitement, we approach the weekend of reckoning.

Molly and I had been out regularly with the Club and had put a few miles in, but lack of continuous time and any really long rides, meant that we were both relying on the fact that it couldn't be that difficult! We would finish, but neither of us knew how fast we could, or should, be going.  

When we booked in, the short course was 40 miles, the Epic was 100. After the route was finalized, the short one had turned into 54 - Molly was convinced I had lied about this from the start, but I can assure my reader that this is not the case. 

We stayed locally the night before and had a relaxed evening with some of the other Club guys at the excellent Lamb Inn at Nomansland, followed by a short night's sleep, early check-out and cafe breakfast before the short drive to the start. 

You never know how you will be 'on the day' with these things. I had a premonition that I would be finishing strong but way-back, having badly paced myself. Molly didn't admit to any pre-race nerves at all. 

The 'girls' had got together at the start, but didn't remain that way long. Molly came in quite a way ahead of the others after riding the majority of the route on her own. 

She readily admits to having absolutely no idea where she was at any stage of the event, or how far she had gone or how far it was to the end. Having said all that, she followed the arrows, did her own pace-making, ate her body weight in flapjacks and came in  with a very creditable 4:58. An absolutely top job :-)

The 'boys' were split from the start as two of the team set off, leaving the five of us to chase them down once the bikes were sorted (gulp) .. It felt like we were going quick, but it's all relative. By the time we reached the first pit stop, we had caught (and left) the others. 

Team Wealden Cycles - Simon, Justin, Johnny and Rick carbo-load (and look cool) at 31 miles.

Generally, most folk have a bad patch over a long event, but on this this particular day, I didn't. I wasn't particularly quick, but I didn't have a flat spot at all and came back in an OK time of 6:37, missing the 'Gold' level time by a measly 10 mins - and we probably spent 20 minutes eating at the rest stops !

As it turned out there was very little between the five of us, so I consider the day a small success and it gives me something to work on for next time. I got back to the car clutching medal and tee shirt to find Molly with her feet on the dashboard reading a book .. "What kept you?" 

Big thanks to Simon Relf at Wealden Cycles for organizing a very enjoyable weekend. 

Next ? Not sure, because the convenient local Sportive has just been cancelled, but in the long term I have booked the Velothon Wales for June 2015, but then realized that the other big event I have committed to is the following weekend ! Chase the Sun is held on the weekend of the longest day and comprises a 200 mile cycle from Kent's Isle of Grain to Brean Sands in Somerset. We start at sunrise and need to finish by sunset ... that will be a little 'tester' :-)

Thursday 11 September 2014

N=X+1 :-)

If you don't know what it means, you don't ride bikes !

Things are looking up and we are definitely getting there. Sure, we have lots to do on the house, but we are being realistic and getting outdoor jobs done now before the poor weather re-appears and, even though we have about 76 unfinished jobs, 60 of them are NEARLY finished. 

The major work is complete on the kitchen and it is just the last bits - blinds, splash-back and so on - to do. 

The next job inside that will make a big difference is the door fitting. We have a stack of light oak doors waiting to be hung throughout the downstairs. Some solid and some with vertical glass panes that should get even more light into the middle of the house. 

Scarifying the moss patch continues outside and then I get a call from Mr Bloody Russell asking where his hardcore is, so I need to divert temporarily and dismantle the 'ornamental' fountain and take a couple of brick courses off the patio wall in order to provide the base for his latest bit of farm-yard construction.  

After the long lay-off, I get the chance to ride. The usual early start, several hundred miles driving and a presentation later, I rock up at the Forest of Dean and jump onto the Whippet single-speed. Round the Verderers trail (Blue grade, like it a lot) and then keen for some more, despite feeling a bit tired, round the red trail too.

Oops. I got my ar$e kicked about by the Carbon framed Whippet and struggled to straighten up the following day - that lower back pain thing that happens when you least expect it. It was a full two weeks before the body was working correctly again.

By the time I had stopped hurting and, after a period of frantic socializing, non-stop DIY and a few short local rides, we realize that we have both ridden each of our bikes over the last seven days. Result. A good local MTB route (involving coffee and cake), followed by a road ride and then a fast spin with the Club roadies round off a frantic few days. I then find out I have some trips to do and in quick succession I visit the Mendips for the first time and sample the riding around Cheddar Gorge ..

then it is off to the Surrey Hills on Saturday to ride a long Milford loop with my extra-special riding buddy Adrian and his equally special 1 x 11, Yeti SB95c. 

then I'm in Lichfield, so it's off to Cannock Chase for a tour of the Monkey and the Dog ..

followed by an unexpected opportunity to  re-visit BPW. By the time I finish work, I am not sure how much I can cram in or when the gates close, but I pay the £6.00 and set off at a measured old-bloke-just-got-out-of-car speed up The Beast of Burden XC climb. I manage to climb to the top in a shade over 25 minutes (average, I reckon) and then do four runs down to the half-way fire road with climbs back up. Finally, with tired legs after Saturday and Monday, I climb back up and nail one final descent right to the bottom for latte and cake. As I enjoy the coffee, I can't resist messaging Adrian and Jon with a 'wish you were here' picture. They sent back a 'thanks' but not sure they meant it !  

Back home just in time to get out with Club on the spinning session - cadence training with efficient use of gears - in preparation for the Autumn events. We have booked in for the New Forest Sportif and are looking forward to it a lot.

Oh, N is the number of bikes I need, X is the number currently owned.  

Friday 23 May 2014

Nearly there ...

Where to start ?

Miles are down. Why  .. well we have been busy with a new look house. 

New windows - check, move front door - check, add porch - check. Lick of paint and a bit of render to do, then finish the drive and turf the mud patch and we are sorted.

Been busy with a new kitchen too .. not quite there, but almost !

We are starting to catch up with the miles now too. Why .. well, partly because we have some new equipment and mine is particularly gorgeous - a NOS Yeti Arc X. No longer in production and built up but not ridden, via E-Bay and  at a good price. It also covers the miles quite a bit quicker than the off road bikes, even with my legs.

Molly had a road-bike test ride at the local shop and came back enthused that the riding position appears to suit her more than the off-roader. She is now the proud owner of some new wheels too, with this little beauty. 

And finally, I have had a couple of weeks away and, as usual, I ride every day. Of particular note was my first visit to Ae Forest to ride the magnificent Ae Line. 

This trail is a pleasure to ride. Great single track, some challenging climbs, some gnarly bits, some jumpy bits and I saw no-one from start to finish. Great weather too. Could it be much better ?

Next ? Molly and I have also joined Wealden Cycle Club and I enjoy Tuesday evenings with the 'faster-than-me' roadies. All good training. Their itinerary also includes some shorter stuff, some off road stuff, mid-week rides and three different levels, so there is something for everyone.

Update to follow. Later, painting to do .........

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Been a bit distracted ..

December 2013 approached and I had already exceeded the 2012 mileage by some way and was feeling as fit as a butcher's dog. I didn't ride in December at all, except one wet one just after Christmas, although it's not all bad.

What you been doing Fred ? Well, we've sold one house, bought another, installed gas and a new boiler, had three leaking radiators and thrown away a (very expensive) ruined carpet. Replaced three ceilings, bought and applied (at least) twenty gallons of paint. Re-roofed a shed, trimmed some trees and sold the kitchen on E-bay.

(The price did go up a bit and we saved a couple of hundred getting it taken out and removed, so no complaints. Except we don't have a kitchen at the moment)

This week, we have lost two sections of fence and have a temporary lake on the drive, but the equipment to sort this water issue out has just arrived .. new drain shortly.

..oh, and while you are at it, let's create a bit more parking, and de-moss the lawn.

The jobs list grows. We tick items off the list. The list grows again. We are also the proud owners of 163 match pots in 'various' colours that are so similar I cannot tell the difference.

We discuss, we sometimes disagree, but Molly invariably knows best and I think I knew this before I disagreed. 

Watch this space as the re-build continues and, if it can stop raining long enough, we may get some riding in too.