Tuesday 16 October 2012

Kids !

I thought we were too old to have dependants, but obviously I was wrong.

The idea of getting a new cat was bandered about in the late summer and we went to see one, put down the deposit and arranged to pick the little fella up at the start of September when things had calmed down, holidays were over, Molly had finished work etc etc ...

After a while, we thought he might be lonely, so we enquired about his sister. It appeared that she was still available, so we negotiated some discount for buying in bulk and put in a bid. Two cats now on order and shopping for accessories started to gain momentum.

The new 'children' have now arrived - Bengals.

The heated discussions started with names. I thought Wiggins and Pendleton would be most appropriate under the circumstances. This fell on deaf ears. They were called Jasper and Skye for a while, then Jasper and Suki but on the way home with them, Molly decided that the names didn't 'fit' !

They spent a day or so as nameless ones, but then became Java and Jazz. Why didn't I think of that ?

Just like Mel and Kim, who were always phographed on the same side so their collective moniker always matched the picture, so it will be with the kids.
Java (Mr) and Jazz (Miss) relax a lot, in between periods of intense interval training. They climb better than Leo Houlding, jump better than Jonathan Edwards and relax better then  your average sumo wrestler.
They can't ride a bike, so their life isn't perfect, but pretty close !

1 comment:

  1. I love your new bengals!! Great names too! Can't wait for pictures and updates.
