Tuesday 29 January 2013

Winter Highs and Lows

The Winter is beginning to get on my nerves.

Constant rain (or so it seems) since late summer and the weather can't make it's mind up. I wouldn't mind cold, we can deal with that, but when spare time doesn't coincide with gaps in the torrential rain, you miss out on so much. Molly and I haven't ridden together since the Christmas break.

Highs - Miles are steadily clocking up in an attempt to squeeze in some winter base training. Mainly evening rides over longer, steadier routes on the SS Whippet. My training log told me that, in December 2012, I was 13 minutes faster over my 57 km route than December 2011. Even on nights when I don't feel on fire, I'm five or ten minutes quicker .. not sure where that's come from. 

Lows - Hard on the heels of my new found speed, I take my eye off the ball during the recent freeze and come a cropper on the black ice. Nothing too serious, no blood, no breaks but a few bruises, slid across the road on my face and into a puddle, smashing my MP3 player en route. 

I have also started to add a bigger hill to the long route when I can. Trouble is that on this  route down to the coast, the major hill (on the South Downs) comes quite late in the ride when I am 'beyond warmed up' shall we say.

Two failures so far, just 100m from the top. Too slippery and steep(er) to climb out of the saddle and I haven't the strength left to pedal sitting on the single-speed. Whichever way you look at this, it is a lack of fitness ! On both occasions I have pushed for 10 metres, past the problem section, then ridden the rest. Irritating ... but it will not beat me. 

Once I have cracked that one, which will be next time, I shall add this one ...

Then, this one ...

By then, it may be clean and dry enough to break out a bike with gears !

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