Thursday 21 January 2010

Time for Plan 'B'

New date - Monday 15th March.

I almost got in before skiing but the new date meant I would have my Consultant's 'assistant' do the operation. He may be fine, but I would prefer to stick with the chap who is most highly regarded in this area, especially amongst those of us who need to get back to their chosen sport as soon as possible.

I'm working on Plan 'B' now.


  1. Fred, tell me you didn't shave your legs for the tattoo.

  2. Full body wax.

    Must ride faster ...

  3. nice! btw...I polished off the marmite! No worries though, I found another bottle of the stuff!! I got 3 yetis loaded up on my truck...heading up to Montana, I hope to get some good riding up there for the next few months. Please don't pray for snow.

  4. I guess you need the body hair where you're going ! We'll smuggle a jar or two over later this year (Molly never travels without hairdryer and marmite). Enjoy and keep in touch ...

  5. So are we looking at the real deal Fred leg in the mid-life crisis photo?

  6. Oh yes :-) I liked yours so much, I couldn't help myself.

    Any dates for the 'meet yet ? Been surfing for prices and am looking forward to planning the trip while I am on 'sick' leave after the Op.

    I will have a million questions for you !

  7. Nutt'n yet on Tribe meet dates. Will keep my ear to the ground. Enjoy your "sick leave".
